Friday, March 16, 2012


I think I'm getting an ulcer.

I'm sure a part of it is from my diet. I mean three cans of Dr. Pepper and no water every day is probably not the healthiest thing. 
But still, I'm STRESSING. OUT.

This is being so difficult. I am on a time crunch now for my senior project which is freaking me out. 

People are less helpful then ever.

I swear every time I say "Hey, can I film you?" I get "No, I don't look good today." Which you know, I understand to an extent but if I ask a person three b-days in a row you'd think they would get it. 

I feel like I'm being whiny since I only have two classes. But at the same time, I'm running out of time. 
I don't know. It's probably just me.

Sidenote: The trailer for the new Johnny Depp movie Dark Shadows looks stupid.

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