Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Everything is a remix kind of makes you depressed since it really shows that no matter what we are always going to be arguing about something. That people can't stand the thought of someone else using their idea but using someone else's idea is really no big deal. It's ridiculous. Completely 100%. 
The website for everything is a remix is terrible. I was not satisfied as there is literally NOTHING helpful. A few links and that's it! So dumb.
The Lessig blog is super boring. I'm sorry but I'm not interested.

People are greedy.

But I'm super jealous of multimedia one for being able to make a soundtrack. That sounds super fun and not at all lame.

REMINDER: I won't be here on Friday. I know it's sad but nobody take it too hard okay?

Watch Wristcutters: A love story. Sounds messed up, but probably one of the best movies I've ever seen. I also want to watch One flew over the cuckoo's nest. It's on my list, and it's on Netflix so I should watch it. Oh! And Exit through the Gift Shop. That looks super great.

Sidenote: That count song Lauren just showed me is highly inappropriate. Thanks Lauren!!

Monday, February 27, 2012


I hate Mondays.
Not because of why everyone else does I assure you.
I hate Mondays because it means that school starts ten minutes earlier for me, and it's a complete and total pointless waste of a school day. I'm here for like two seconds and it's just super dumb. 

This weekend was interesting. 
Friday: I went to a Mooninite house show which was just fantastic. We danced, we shuffled, we got Todd Bordy to crowd surf. Although it was hilarious because the lip of the ceiling came down too low and he totally almost hit his head.
Saturday: I went to a Desert Noises house show which was super awesome. It was someone's birthday and so there was a secret show. Yada yada yada. It was great.
Sunday: NASCAR. The Daytona 500 to be exact. Though sadly, it was very rainy in Florida so it got cancelled. Supposedly it's happening tonight though which will be great. Then, we started watching the red carpet. I hope some of you saw it because of the Sacha Baron Cohen controversy. I don't know if you heard, but he was invited to the Oscars as long as he didn't show up in his dictator uniform from his new movie The Dictator. There was back and forth all week and his tickets were held for a few days until he said he wouldn't do it. Here comes the limo and.... BAM. 
Needless to say, people were INFURIATED. It was so wonderful. 
So, Ryan Seacrest being the great little host that he is interviewed 'The Dictator' as he made his way down the carpet. After explaining that the urn was actually full of ashes, he "accidentally" spilled them ALL over Ryan Seacrest.
Hahahaha! Ryan Seacrest was PISSED. Seriously one of the greatest red carpet moments ever. See all of the security guys in the back? Yeah.. the 'dictator' was swiftly removed from the carpet and not invited into the ceremony. Oh man. GREAT tv. 
Then, the show started. After politely laughing about Justin Bieber's appearance, we were a little ill at ease. Then, they did the montage of 'great movies' which included freaking TWILIGHT. I don't know about you, but Twilight should not get to be counted with movies like Titanic, Avatar, and all of the other actually good movies that they showcased. I was a little angry at that.
About 1/3 into the show, I get a phone call from my brother. "Not to alarm you, but there are about fifteen cop cars, a swat team, and one of those trailers that you put bombs in to blow up harmlessly around the corner." It was a little shocking to hear that just four houses down and around a corner was a bomb squad. My parents and I walked down the street trying to see what was going on. What we gathered were people suiting up. That's about it. I still don't know what really happened. Pretty crazy and kind of nerve racking.

Anyway, that was my weekend.

People are crazy.

This morning we had a fantastic show where we all did super good. I'm so happy with the outcome of the show. 
THEN. We just did a run through of Loghan's video. Pretty much I'd watch this movie. It looks pretty dang intense. I'm sure if I had read it from the beginning and had the character development, I would really like it. Good job Loghan. 

Sidenote: I'm going to DECA State this week and it's going to be super great. I wrote an 11 page paper last week and I'm going to see if I can make it to nationals. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012



This weekend was strange.
I learned that I am overly-defensive.
I have this knack for feeling backed into a wall after one comment.
That isn't the problem; the problem, is that I attack, and I am very personal about it.
I say things I shouldn't, and things that I don't mean.
I don't know how to feel about this.
Obviously I need to work on it. As it is slowly ruining relationships in my life right now.

People are difficult to read sometimes.

They change their minds before I have time to react. Then it becomes my fault, or my problem to solve.
I don't know what the first step to fix this is, other then stay quiet and think before making any comment in any argument, fight, or even heated discussion.

Sidenote: on a whim, my mom rented Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1 this weekend. We watched it twice. It was horrible. The funny part about it is that we watched Gnomeo and Juliet afterwards and that was a better love story, as well as more realistic. Gnomes. Oh dear.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I learned SO much this weekend.
Oh man it was a fantastic weekend.

Friday I tried to get the 'crazy' footage for my video and I'm really not satisfied with how it looks. I'm going to have to re shoot it because I really dislike it. 

Saturday morning I declared a major at UVU which was pretty exciting:
Political Science with an emphasis in World Politics.
Completely different from everything I was thinking.
I went online and started looking at the course catalog and realized I wasn't interested in anything they had. So I kept looking. I found Poly-Sci and BAM, it hit me. I was interested and pretty hooked. I'm sure by the time I actually graduate from there it will be different but as of now I'm pretty content.
That night (Saturday), I went and saw The Artist. Oh boy that is one fantastic movie. I had high expectations going in and it still exceeded them. The way you can communicate with no sound just hit me. It was fantastic seeing the way just the way they moved told the entire story. The words weren't necessary for every line. Funny story actually I got in a fight with a close friend of mine because I was acting strangely that day. It was funny to me because even though I never said anything it was clear I was upset.

Sunday morning I went to the boat show and saw ridiculously priced, over sized boats. It was great. People are funny.
Sunday afternoon I went to a friends house and saw the last twenty minutes of a movie called The Wave. For those of you who have never heard of it before it is set in a High School in Germany and a teacher can't get across how easy it would be for someone like Hitler to dictate how everyone thinks and acts. In trying to teach his students how easy it would be, over the course of a week he gets everyone involved, militarized, and basically worshiping him. It even goes as far as a boy beating his girlfriend because she won't join. The part I saw was the climax, where the teacher is making everyone realize that it was all a trick, and that it was easy for a dictatorship to reign in society. One student claims it was his life and ends up taking the life of another student, as well as his own. The last five minutes is completely wordless even though peoples mouths are moving, but you know every emotion. You can fill in the blanks and you completely understand what every single person is feeling. It made me think of The Artist and again I was amazed at how little needs to be said in order to convey something. The twenty minutes I saw was enough to realize it was a great movie. Supposedly it was even based on a true story in California. Which is weird to me that they decided to set it in Germany where it is more of a touchy subject. Great film though. 

Sidenote: I watched a new video blog that I'm in love with. Though it is completely inappropriate for those under 18. It's called my drunk kitchen. It's on youtube. Pretty self explanatory. I'm not suggesting you watch it. I'm just saying if a bunch of explicit words and an extremely intoxicated girl don't bother you then it's a funny watch.

Friday, February 10, 2012


Today, I'm learning how to deal with people.
From mix ups, to mis-communication, to manipulation. 

People are fascinating. 

Finding out what makes them tick, what keeps them going, what gets them up in the morning, why they do the things they do.
I'm in awe. I just want to know about it all.
Today I learned a very valuable lesson that sometimes saying nothing actually isn't saying anything at all. Sometimes words do speak louder then actions. 
It's knowing the situation and when to use your words that really counts.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Superbowl commercials.
OH man. 
That's all that I have to say.

Monday, February 6, 2012


It seems we've come to an impasse. 
You want me to sketch, and I'm not going to.
It's not as if I'm just trying to make anyone angry or specifically refuse to do something, it's just that at the end of the day, I can't draw.
I'm not afflicted with false modesty, I'm not trying to be cute, and I certainly am not trying to be difficult. I cannot draw. It is embarrassing to me to even try, and frankly, it probably just isn't going to happen. 
My apologies.
I did warn you.