Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Everything is a remix kind of makes you depressed since it really shows that no matter what we are always going to be arguing about something. That people can't stand the thought of someone else using their idea but using someone else's idea is really no big deal. It's ridiculous. Completely 100%. 
The website for everything is a remix is terrible. I was not satisfied as there is literally NOTHING helpful. A few links and that's it! So dumb.
The Lessig blog is super boring. I'm sorry but I'm not interested.

People are greedy.

But I'm super jealous of multimedia one for being able to make a soundtrack. That sounds super fun and not at all lame.

REMINDER: I won't be here on Friday. I know it's sad but nobody take it too hard okay?

Watch Wristcutters: A love story. Sounds messed up, but probably one of the best movies I've ever seen. I also want to watch One flew over the cuckoo's nest. It's on my list, and it's on Netflix so I should watch it. Oh! And Exit through the Gift Shop. That looks super great.

Sidenote: That count song Lauren just showed me is highly inappropriate. Thanks Lauren!!


  1. Carleeta,
    I will miss you on Friday.
    You are welcome for showing you that inappropriate video. If anyone is interested, search "unnecessary edit the count some lemon demon version" and please, I hope you are offended and laugh your butt off.

  2. People are greedy, and selfish. Sasha Coen acts the way he does for selfish motives. People get territorial when they think someone copies from them because they are not interested in the common good. There have always been conflicts and there will always be conflicts. What is important is you learn who you are and what you believe in then keep an open mind.
