Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I learned SO much this weekend.
Oh man it was a fantastic weekend.

Friday I tried to get the 'crazy' footage for my video and I'm really not satisfied with how it looks. I'm going to have to re shoot it because I really dislike it. 

Saturday morning I declared a major at UVU which was pretty exciting:
Political Science with an emphasis in World Politics.
Completely different from everything I was thinking.
I went online and started looking at the course catalog and realized I wasn't interested in anything they had. So I kept looking. I found Poly-Sci and BAM, it hit me. I was interested and pretty hooked. I'm sure by the time I actually graduate from there it will be different but as of now I'm pretty content.
That night (Saturday), I went and saw The Artist. Oh boy that is one fantastic movie. I had high expectations going in and it still exceeded them. The way you can communicate with no sound just hit me. It was fantastic seeing the way just the way they moved told the entire story. The words weren't necessary for every line. Funny story actually I got in a fight with a close friend of mine because I was acting strangely that day. It was funny to me because even though I never said anything it was clear I was upset.

Sunday morning I went to the boat show and saw ridiculously priced, over sized boats. It was great. People are funny.
Sunday afternoon I went to a friends house and saw the last twenty minutes of a movie called The Wave. For those of you who have never heard of it before it is set in a High School in Germany and a teacher can't get across how easy it would be for someone like Hitler to dictate how everyone thinks and acts. In trying to teach his students how easy it would be, over the course of a week he gets everyone involved, militarized, and basically worshiping him. It even goes as far as a boy beating his girlfriend because she won't join. The part I saw was the climax, where the teacher is making everyone realize that it was all a trick, and that it was easy for a dictatorship to reign in society. One student claims it was his life and ends up taking the life of another student, as well as his own. The last five minutes is completely wordless even though peoples mouths are moving, but you know every emotion. You can fill in the blanks and you completely understand what every single person is feeling. It made me think of The Artist and again I was amazed at how little needs to be said in order to convey something. The twenty minutes I saw was enough to realize it was a great movie. Supposedly it was even based on a true story in California. Which is weird to me that they decided to set it in Germany where it is more of a touchy subject. Great film though. 

Sidenote: I watched a new video blog that I'm in love with. Though it is completely inappropriate for those under 18. It's called my drunk kitchen. It's on youtube. Pretty self explanatory. I'm not suggesting you watch it. I'm just saying if a bunch of explicit words and an extremely intoxicated girl don't bother you then it's a funny watch.


  1. I watched that video on youtube, and oh my freaking heck... All I can say is that I currently have the next 5 episodes loading! xD

  2. Haha! So great right?! Tacos is my favorite so far.
