Sunday, January 8, 2012


I suppose since I posted a look I might as well post a post right?
Oh dear weekend you slipped away so fast.
Many a thing happened in the past three days:
One, I cannot go to a certain digital production competition due to the unfortunate tooth extraction going to take place on one friday the thirteenth.
Two, I learned that I appreciate Lord of the Rings far more then I had ever intended to. (I might've watched the entire trilogy)
Three, I miss disco skating. Never thought I'd say that again.
Four, Family domino night is possibly the greatest night ever
Five, Procrastinating is the best form of motivation.
Ha. I really like that last one. Only because it gets you motivated in that last minute to finish. Even though I'm sitting here posting...
It's funny how fast time goes, especially when you are trying to make it go slower.
Yet when you want time to go fast, it just draggssssss on and on. Terrible.
Alas. I've spent more time on here then I was going to already, and here I thought I was being so productive.
TV Shows watched in the past two days: New Girl, Dexter, and Vampire Diaries. So great.
I'm going to hopefully get off now and go do something actually productive, like homework.


  1. Describe to me why you appreciate Lord of the Rings. You watched TV but did you look for things? (laugh track timing, costume, dialog, stereotypes?

  2. Lord of the Rings. Where to begin, The story was better then I remember but that is possibly just because I was extremely young when I first saw it. The cinematography is simply fantastic. Every shot is almost perfect and every scene is very visually pleasing. They did a good job of putting you into middle earth. Besides the tire tracks here and there and the obvious height struggles with the hobbits.
    In New Girl I was watching the episode titled 'bells' where she is teaching four high schoolers how to play a song using bells. Her roommate shows a great talent in it, but when he stars playing, the music that is supposed to be coming out is about two seconds off every time he plays.
    Dexter I was mostly asleep
    And I point blank refuse to find any flaw in Vampire Diaries.
