Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I realized about five seconds ago that I haven't posted in nearly a week, and, fearing for my grades, I figured I should come up with something or other.
I am currently watching Romeo+Juliet, the good one.
This one.
It is so wonderfully fantastic and I highly encourage anyone reading my dear little blog to check it out. Personally, I know it word for word, every line, scene, costume change, and facial expression. It's kind of one of my favorites. Plus it made me fall in love with Leonardo but pretty sure everyone who saw it did.
Anyway, This week I haven't really watched anything of importance though I have started compiling a list of movies I truly want to see; the list is as follows:
Moonrise Kingdom
Jeff who lives at home
Into the wild
Wristcutters: a love story
Garden State
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
I'm sure I am forgetting many but this is what the list is so far.
Aw, Paris is dancing with Juliet and has no idea that she has just seen Romeo for the first time and is so infatuated. This movie is just so fantastic.
Back to things, in class today I started working on my new project, but this makes me worry about my old project, valley sounds. I think, however, after I have new project (oh the places you'll go) filmed, I can edit them nearly simultaneously given that I will more fully understand the editing process. Furthermore, I will hopefully have filmed my intro by then...
Oh, Romeo has just realized she is a Capulet, heartbreaking dispair. Now nurse has told Juliet of his being a Montague, though she still looks as if she has hope. This movie is so tragic, sigh. 
Gosh dang it now I'm noticing flaws.
Romeo's mask changes positions multiple times during the party when it keeps cutting back to him. ugh.
NOOOO, now the metal stand he knocked over trying to hide from Juliet is standing back up again.
This is ridiculous, yet sadly okay.
Her hair was pinned up when she fell in the pool and now it is just down.
I don't remember watching anything else lately, though I have been reading the girl with the dragon tattoo series which is just wonderfully gripping. I literally finished the second book in two days and the third is nearly over. Great read if anyone is looking for a political thriller. Though I must put up that it is extremely graphic, and doesn't really become political until the second and third book.
Anyway, I think that is all I have to say.
Have a wonderful weekend everybody.


  1. I like that you are noticing mistakes, it is the first step in looking deeper. Many people get stuck on the surface, like falling in love with the people in the film and then they don't see past the skin of the movie. Now noticing mistakes becomes a distraction when watching but it will not last forever. Learning how to look even deeper and figuring out why the director chose to use certain color or dialog will eventually replace you looking for mistakes. When this happens you will fall in love with the movie again. The next layer down is connecting the underlying meaning or philosophy the director or writer had when they made the film. This will allow you to connect real-life influences with the movie, like 'The Dark Knight' and Terror/Bush White House/Human Nature. Go deeper in everything and you will find the world of media is a fantastic conversation.
