Thursday, January 12, 2012


What an interesting day. End of the term blues, over stressed-underfed-running on no sleep teenagers spiraling out of control, a look at a photo shoot that didn't go as expected, and a real life glimpse in to what I'm supposed to be looking for into photography.

I took note of the comment posted about looking into what I actually like about photography, about reflecting on my culture and figuring out where I want to go with it. I made a list after viewing all of the sites I posted last time and trying to sum them up in a few words hoping to find some link between all of them:

Creepy old pictures
Palindrome. Learning
Real life new york
Blog interface/ whimsical shots
Celebrities/real looking portraits
Extreme close up/black and white/detail
New york.
Old school/vintage lighting concept, run down, old, growth
Vintage, blurry
Celebrities, real looking.

While looking at this list I found a clash, between modern and extremely old age. I LOVE New York, the bright spiraling loud city. I love modern straight lines clean cut but yet I love old photos. I like vintage-looking photos. The bus in the field just stuck out to me. The clash of the in between:
Like this for example, I love how straight on all the lines go, yet the under growth looks so perfect next to it. And the dark color palette just finishes the photo for me. Makes it look like it's supposed to be there. I can't decide if it's modern elements that I love more or the more vintage elements. 

I also figured out that since I love books and architecture so much these libraries really just stood out to me. specifically this one:
The clean lines just freaked me out in the greatest way. Plus the thousands of books just waiting to be read, and the sunlight filtering in making it look like the most fantastic place to sit down and read. Oh I really truly just love it. Plus the photo composition itself is wonderful, you have your rule of thirds down to a t, your focus directly in the middle, and your eye just flows with all of the straight lines directing you around this temple of knowledge. 

I'm going to keep trying to find the elements that catch me and relate them to the things that I love and that define me. Lets see how this turns out. 

1 comment:

  1. New York city offers the modern clean lines of a crazy awesome city but at the same time the vintage old history. It makes sense. Look at the photo of you in the white shirt and red pants. modern lines, clean strong colors set against bland boring riverbank, (utah lake?). the conflict between these two areas creates an area of focus, you. Any photo that does this same thing is telling the viewer where to look and what to look at. I love your style, but style is on the outside, its the underlying beliefs and philosophy that really drives your choices and your emotions, keep digging
