Thursday, April 26, 2012


I'm so bored.

We are STILL watching TED talks which is pretty cool because this augmented reality one is dope. But, at the same time I'm so bored. I don't know how to write an entire page about augmented reality. All I can think is Inception. Honestly I just keep thinking about things changing. Someone says augmented reality and I just want to enter someones dream and freak them out. This guy's accent is super weird. Magician, he just said magician it makes me think of Harry Potter which I'm re-reading right now. Super fantastic. I can't think of what else to write. Maybe augmented reality can become real life with the whole hologram thing. I'm a little afraid of what is to come in the future. If it is that easy to put something in a life production then how easy would it be to completely change everything. How easy would it be for the human race to lose touch with reality. To not know the difference between what's real and what has been manufactured? It's honestly a frightening thought. Technology keeps moving so fast it's difficult to keep up. This man had obviously rehearsed this so many times. He knew exactly what was coming exactly what was going to come on the screen. It is a well rehearsed skit but it would be nothing without the help of that projector. Nothing without the extra effects. Strange. 

Next boring video.
This one was about copyright. Brown, this is the worst assignment ever. I'm freaking BORED. That guy doesn't even make sense. If I can buy a song on itunes or wherever for .99 then why if I pirate it does it cost billions of dollars. Yep. DOESN"T MAKE SENSE. This whole thing doesn't make sense. Copyright is the biggest joke. If it's that big a deal that you don't want people sharing it then google should be shut down, as well as youtube, facebook, twitter, instagram and just about everything else. That just doesn't make sense now does it? I don't understand how someone can say nope, you listened to that song, you owe me money. It's like what everything is a remix says: if we create something, we don't want anyone else to have it but if someone else creates something, it should be ours no questions asked.

People don't make sense.

Robots. REALLY? I really dislike robots. Especially trying to learn about which way rotors go, and how things move. It moves. That is all I need to know. I'm a little creeped out by the robots actually.. It's like I am robot just ruined all robots for me for always. Though I really do like Transformers. Imagine that? Yeah I don't know what to write about that. Great, the robots are flying. Wow they can turn around and flip upside down. Let's replace all policemen, construction workers, drivers, and search and rescue people. Great. Let's just hand over our world on a silver platters. I feel like I can't trust robots. I know this is a fallacy but I still can't get over it. Mrs. Weasley (Harry Potter) says not to trust anything that thinks for itself, if you can't see it's brain. And yeah, I guess robots are just programmed to do what we tell them but sometimes computers malfunction you know? Sometimes computers don't do what you tell them to do. What would happen if a search and rescue robot somehow shorted out and turned into a search and destroy robot? What if a robot as a first responder misjudged the situation and fired on innocents? YOU NEVER KNOW! This robot knows how to combine bits and pieces of trajectories. What if it could change something and malfunction? I really don't like robots.

Sidenote: I have like five people left to film and realized that today and Monday and Wednesday are my last days to finish filming because I leave for New York on Thursday. AHHHHH 156 hours

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