Tuesday, April 24, 2012



I suppose we are supposed to be writing an entire page about the ted talks we just watched. Sad to say I missed the instructions in both periods somehow. Anyway. 
The first video is about the teenage boy who is a genius?
I guess some kids are just really driven to do well. You know. Like multimedia two. We are all just as driven as him... Okay maybe a little more. He seemed like a bit of a slacker.. Does blogger detect sarcasm?
Why yes, yes it does. The boy is a genius and no doubt we can all achieve greatness just as he did. I just wonder if he has a social life. I wonder how many dances he has been to in his high school career. How many times did he just go out and "hang out". High school though it is the time for self discovery and to be passionate about something, it is also the only time in your life that you get to just chill. That guy will be doing that job for the rest of his life. Which, I mean more power to him he seems to really like it, but what happens ten years down the road, twenty years down the road when he realizes he has no childhood friends, he never had that great high school love. He never got to enjoy his youth.
It seems like a tough price to pay to achieve greatness.

The second video I don't really understand how we are to write a paper on it... I mean it's super great. He used the mac error and loading symbols to make a presentation. Wooo. He even looks surprised. Blake asked if he knew that was going to happen. Oh man. I think we all know that he made that. So I don't really understand why he was on Ted Talks. I wish he would've talked more about how the idea came to him and how he created it. 

People only reveal their true self when coerced, or far to comfortable.

I realize that was random but I feel it needed to be stated. People suck, as Emma Stone states in Easy A. 

Sidenote: I'm going to be on the other side of the country in approximately: 212.84 hours. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good comment David. Wooo. It is hard to give soo much to one aspect of our lives to achieve greatness and keep other parts of our lives in balance.
